#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This file is part of the web2py Web Framework Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro License: LGPLv3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) Basic caching classes and methods ================================= - Cache - The generic caching object interfacing with the others - CacheInRam - providing caching in ram - CacheInDisk - provides caches on disk Memcache is also available via a different module (see gluon.contrib.memcache) When web2py is running on Google App Engine, caching will be provided by the GAE memcache (see gluon.contrib.gae_memcache) """ import time import portalocker import shelve import thread import os import logging import re logger = logging.getLogger("web2py.cache") __all__ = ['Cache'] DEFAULT_TIME_EXPIRE = 300 class CacheAbstract(object): """ Abstract class for cache implementations. Main function is now to provide referenced api documentation. Use CacheInRam or CacheOnDisk instead which are derived from this class. """ cache_stats_name = 'web2py_cache_statistics' def __init__(self, request=None): """ Paremeters ---------- request: the global request object """ raise NotImplementedError def __call__(self, key, f, time_expire = DEFAULT_TIME_EXPIRE): """ Tries retrieve the value corresponding to `key` from the cache of the object exists and if it did not expire, else it called the function `f` and stores the output in the cache corresponding to `key`. In the case the output of the function is returned. :param key: the key of the object to be store or retrieved :param f: the function, whose output is to be cached :param time_expire: expiration of the cache in microseconds - `time_expire` is used to compare the current time with the time when the requested object was last saved in cache. It does not affect future requests. - Setting `time_expire` to 0 or negative value forces the cache to refresh. If the function `f` is `None` the cache is cleared. """ raise NotImplementedError def clear(self, regex=None): """ Clears the cache of all keys that match the provided regular expression. If no regular expression is provided, it clears all entries in cache. Parameters ---------- regex: if provided, only keys matching the regex will be cleared. Otherwise all keys are cleared. """ raise NotImplementedError def increment(self, key, value=1): """ Increments the cached value for the given key by the amount in value Parameters ---------- key: key for the cached object to be incremeneted value: amount of the increment (defaults to 1, can be negative) """ raise NotImplementedError def _clear(self, storage, regex): """ Auxiliary function called by `clear` to search and clear cache entries """ r = re.compile(regex) for (key, value) in storage.items(): if r.match(str(key)): del storage[key] class CacheInRam(CacheAbstract): """ Ram based caching This is implemented as global (per process, shared by all threads) dictionary. A mutex-lock mechanism avoid conflicts. """ locker = thread.allocate_lock() meta_storage = {} def __init__(self, request=None): self.locker.acquire() self.request = request if request: app = request.application else: app = '' if not app in self.meta_storage: self.storage = self.meta_storage[app] = {CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name: { 'hit_total': 0, 'misses': 0, }} else: self.storage = self.meta_storage[app] self.locker.release() def clear(self, regex=None): self.locker.acquire() storage = self.storage if regex == None: storage.clear() else: self._clear(storage, regex) if not CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name in storage.keys(): storage[CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name] = { 'hit_total': 0, 'misses': 0, } self.locker.release() def __call__(self, key, f, time_expire = DEFAULT_TIME_EXPIRE): """ Attention! cache.ram does not copy the cached object. It just stores a reference to it. Turns out the deepcopying the object has some problems: 1) would break backward compatibility 2) would be limiting because people may want to cache live objects 3) would work unless we deepcopy no storage and retrival which would make things slow. Anyway. You can deepcopy explicitly in the function generating the value to be cached. """ dt = time_expire self.locker.acquire() item = self.storage.get(key, None) if item and f == None: del self.storage[key] self.storage[CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name]['hit_total'] += 1 self.locker.release() if f is None: return None if item and (dt == None or item[0] > time.time() - dt): return item[1] value = f() self.locker.acquire() self.storage[key] = (time.time(), value) self.storage[CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name]['misses'] += 1 self.locker.release() return value def increment(self, key, value=1): self.locker.acquire() try: if key in self.storage: value = self.storage[key][1] + value self.storage[key] = (time.time(), value) except BaseException, e: self.locker.release() raise e self.locker.release() return value class CacheOnDisk(CacheAbstract): """ Disk based cache This is implemented as a shelve object and it is shared by multiple web2py processes (and threads) as long as they share the same filesystem. The file is locked wen accessed. Disk cache provides persistance when web2py is started/stopped but it slower than `CacheInRam` Values stored in disk cache must be pickable. """ speedup_checks = set() def __init__(self, request, folder=None): self.request = request # Lets test if the cache folder exists, if not # we are going to create it folder = folder or os.path.join(request.folder, 'cache') if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder) ### we need this because of a possible bug in shelve that may ### or may not lock self.locker_name = os.path.join(folder,'cache.lock') self.shelve_name = os.path.join(folder,'cache.shelve') locker, locker_locked = None, False speedup_key = (folder,CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name) if not speedup_key in self.speedup_checks or \ not os.path.exists(self.shelve_name): try: locker = open(self.locker_name, 'a') portalocker.lock(locker, portalocker.LOCK_EX) locker_locked = True storage = shelve.open(self.shelve_name) if not storage.has_key(CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name): storage[CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name] = { 'hit_total': 0, 'misses': 0, } storage.sync() self.speedup_checks.add(speedup_key) except ImportError: pass # no module _bsddb, ignoring exception now so it makes a ticket only if used except: logger.error('corrupted file: %s' % self.shelve_name) if locker_locked: portalocker.unlock(locker) if locker: locker.close() def clear(self, regex=None): locker = open(self.locker_name,'a') portalocker.lock(locker, portalocker.LOCK_EX) storage = shelve.open(self.shelve_name) if regex == None: storage.clear() else: self._clear(storage, regex) if not CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name in storage.keys(): storage[CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name] = { 'hit_total': 0, 'misses': 0, } storage.sync() portalocker.unlock(locker) locker.close() def __call__(self, key, f, time_expire = DEFAULT_TIME_EXPIRE): dt = time_expire locker = open(self.locker_name,'a') portalocker.lock(locker, portalocker.LOCK_EX) storage = shelve.open(self.shelve_name) item = storage.get(key, None) if item and f == None: del storage[key] storage[CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name] = { 'hit_total': storage[CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name]['hit_total'] + 1, 'misses': storage[CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name]['misses'] } storage.sync() portalocker.unlock(locker) locker.close() if f is None: return None if item and (dt == None or item[0] > time.time() - dt): return item[1] value = f() locker = open(self.locker_name,'a') portalocker.lock(locker, portalocker.LOCK_EX) storage[key] = (time.time(), value) storage[CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name] = { 'hit_total': storage[CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name]['hit_total'], 'misses': storage[CacheAbstract.cache_stats_name]['misses'] + 1 } storage.sync() portalocker.unlock(locker) locker.close() return value def increment(self, key, value=1): locker = open(self.locker_name,'a') portalocker.lock(locker, portalocker.LOCK_EX) storage = shelve.open(self.shelve_name) try: if key in storage: value = storage[key][1] + value storage[key] = (time.time(), value) storage.sync() except BaseException, e: portalocker.unlock(locker) locker.close() raise e portalocker.unlock(locker) locker.close() return value class Cache(object): """ Sets up generic caching, creating an instance of both CacheInRam and CacheOnDisk. In case of GAE will make use of gluon.contrib.gae_memcache. - self.ram is an instance of CacheInRam - self.disk is an instance of CacheOnDisk """ def __init__(self, request): """ Parameters ---------- request: the global request object """ # GAE will have a special caching import settings if settings.global_settings.web2py_runtime_gae: from contrib.gae_memcache import MemcacheClient self.ram=self.disk=MemcacheClient(request) else: # Otherwise use ram (and try also disk) self.ram = CacheInRam(request) try: self.disk = CacheOnDisk(request) except IOError: logger.warning('no cache.disk (IOError)') except AttributeError: # normally not expected anymore, as GAE has already # been accounted for logger.warning('no cache.disk (AttributeError)') def __call__(self, key = None, time_expire = DEFAULT_TIME_EXPIRE, cache_model = None): """ Decorator function that can be used to cache any function/method. Example:: @cache('key', 5000, cache.ram) def f(): return time.ctime() When the function f is called, web2py tries to retrieve the value corresponding to `key` from the cache of the object exists and if it did not expire, else it calles the function `f` and stores the output in the cache corresponding to `key`. In the case the output of the function is returned. :param key: the key of the object to be store or retrieved :param time_expire: expiration of the cache in microseconds :param cache_model: `cache.ram`, `cache.disk`, or other (like `cache.memcache` if defined). It defaults to `cache.ram`. Notes ----- `time_expire` is used to compare the curret time with the time when the requested object was last saved in cache. It does not affect future requests. Setting `time_expire` to 0 or negative value forces the cache to refresh. If the function `f` is an action, we suggest using `request.env.path_info` as key. """ if not cache_model: cache_model = self.ram def tmp(func): return lambda: cache_model(key, func, time_expire) return tmp