import pymysql from pymysql.tests import base import sys try: import imp reload = imp.reload except AttributeError: pass import datetime class TestOldIssues(base.PyMySQLTestCase): def test_issue_3(self): """ undefined methods datetime_or_None, date_or_None """ conn = self.connections[0] c = conn.cursor() c.execute("create table issue3 (d date, t time, dt datetime, ts timestamp)") try: c.execute("insert into issue3 (d, t, dt, ts) values (%s,%s,%s,%s)", (None, None, None, None)) c.execute("select d from issue3") self.assertEqual(None, c.fetchone()[0]) c.execute("select t from issue3") self.assertEqual(None, c.fetchone()[0]) c.execute("select dt from issue3") self.assertEqual(None, c.fetchone()[0]) c.execute("select ts from issue3") self.assertTrue(isinstance(c.fetchone()[0], datetime.datetime)) finally: c.execute("drop table issue3") def test_issue_4(self): """ can't retrieve TIMESTAMP fields """ conn = self.connections[0] c = conn.cursor() c.execute("create table issue4 (ts timestamp)") try: c.execute("insert into issue4 (ts) values (now())") c.execute("select ts from issue4") self.assertTrue(isinstance(c.fetchone()[0], datetime.datetime)) finally: c.execute("drop table issue4") def test_issue_5(self): """ query on information_schema.tables fails """ con = self.connections[0] cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select * from information_schema.tables") def test_issue_6(self): """ exception: TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 0 found """ conn = pymysql.connect(host="localhost",user="root",passwd="",db="mysql") c = conn.cursor() c.execute("select * from user") conn.close() def test_issue_8(self): """ Primary Key and Index error when selecting data """ conn = self.connections[0] c = conn.cursor() c.execute("""CREATE TABLE `test` (`station` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `dh` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `echeance` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `me` double DEFAULT NULL, `mo` double DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`station`,`dh`,`echeance`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;""") try: self.assertEqual(0, c.execute("SELECT * FROM test")) c.execute("ALTER TABLE `test` ADD INDEX `idx_station` (`station`)") self.assertEqual(0, c.execute("SELECT * FROM test")) finally: c.execute("drop table test") def test_issue_9(self): """ sets DeprecationWarning in Python 2.6 """ try: reload(pymysql) except DeprecationWarning: def test_issue_10(self): """ Allocate a variable to return when the exception handler is permissive """ conn = self.connections[0] conn.errorhandler = lambda cursor, errorclass, errorvalue: None cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( "create table t( n int )" ) cur.execute( "create table t( n int )" ) def test_issue_13(self): """ can't handle large result fields """ conn = self.connections[0] cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("create table issue13 (t text)") try: # ticket says 18k size = 18*1024 cur.execute("insert into issue13 (t) values (%s)", ("x" * size,)) cur.execute("select t from issue13") # use assert_ so that obscenely huge error messages don't print r = cur.fetchone()[0] self.assert_("x" * size == r) finally: cur.execute("drop table issue13") def test_issue_14(self): """ typo in """ self.assertEqual('1', pymysql.converters.escape_item(1, "utf8")) self.assertEqual('1', pymysql.converters.escape_item(1L, "utf8")) self.assertEqual('1', pymysql.converters.escape_object(1)) self.assertEqual('1', pymysql.converters.escape_object(1L)) def test_issue_15(self): """ query should be expanded before perform character encoding """ conn = self.connections[0] c = conn.cursor() c.execute("create table issue15 (t varchar(32))") try: c.execute("insert into issue15 (t) values (%s)", (u'\xe4\xf6\xfc')) c.execute("select t from issue15") self.assertEqual(u'\xe4\xf6\xfc', c.fetchone()[0]) finally: c.execute("drop table issue15") def test_issue_16(self): """ Patch for string and tuple escaping """ conn = self.connections[0] c = conn.cursor() c.execute("create table issue16 (name varchar(32) primary key, email varchar(32))") try: c.execute("insert into issue16 (name, email) values ('pete', 'floydophone')") c.execute("select email from issue16 where name=%s", ("pete",)) self.assertEqual("floydophone", c.fetchone()[0]) finally: c.execute("drop table issue16") def test_issue_17(self): """ could not connect mysql use passwod """ conn = self.connections[0] host = self.databases[0]["host"] db = self.databases[0]["db"] c = conn.cursor() # grant access to a table to a user with a password try: c.execute("create table issue17 (x varchar(32) primary key)") c.execute("insert into issue17 (x) values ('hello, world!')") c.execute("grant all privileges on %s.issue17 to 'issue17user'@'%%' identified by '1234'" % db) conn.commit() conn2 = pymysql.connect(host=host, user="issue17user", passwd="1234", db=db) c2 = conn2.cursor() c2.execute("select x from issue17") self.assertEqual("hello, world!", c2.fetchone()[0]) finally: c.execute("drop table issue17") def _uni(s, e): # hack for py3 if sys.version_info[0] > 2: return unicode(bytes(s, sys.getdefaultencoding()), e) else: return unicode(s, e) class TestNewIssues(base.PyMySQLTestCase): def test_issue_34(self): try: pymysql.connect(host="localhost", port=1237, user="root") except pymysql.OperationalError, e: self.assertEqual(2003, e.args[0]) except: def test_issue_33(self): conn = pymysql.connect(host="localhost", user="root", db=self.databases[0]["db"], charset="utf8") c = conn.cursor() try: c.execute(_uni("create table hei\xc3\x9fe (name varchar(32))", "utf8")) c.execute(_uni("insert into hei\xc3\x9fe (name) values ('Pi\xc3\xb1ata')", "utf8")) c.execute(_uni("select name from hei\xc3\x9fe", "utf8")) self.assertEqual(_uni("Pi\xc3\xb1ata","utf8"), c.fetchone()[0]) finally: c.execute(_uni("drop table hei\xc3\x9fe", "utf8")) # Will fail without manual intervention: #def test_issue_35(self): # # conn = self.connections[0] # c = conn.cursor() # print "sudo killall -9 mysqld within the next 10 seconds" # try: # c.execute("select sleep(10)") # # except pymysql.OperationalError, e: # self.assertEqual(2013, e.args[0]) def test_issue_36(self): conn = self.connections[0] c = conn.cursor() # kill connections[0] original_count = c.execute("show processlist") kill_id = None for id,user,host,db,command,time,state,info in c.fetchall(): if info == "show processlist": kill_id = id break # now nuke the connection conn.kill(kill_id) # make sure this connection has broken try: c.execute("show tables") except: pass # check the process list from the other connection self.assertEqual(original_count - 1, self.connections[1].cursor().execute("show processlist")) del self.connections[0] def test_issue_37(self): conn = self.connections[0] c = conn.cursor() self.assertEqual(1, c.execute("SELECT @foo")) self.assertEqual((None,), c.fetchone()) self.assertEqual(0, c.execute("SET @foo = 'bar'")) c.execute("set @foo = 'bar'") def test_issue_38(self): conn = self.connections[0] c = conn.cursor() datum = "a" * 1024 * 1023 # reduced size for most default mysql installs try: c.execute("create table issue38 (id integer, data mediumblob)") c.execute("insert into issue38 values (1, %s)", datum) finally: c.execute("drop table issue38") __all__ = ["TestOldIssues", "TestNewIssues"] if __name__ == "__main__": import unittest unittest.main()