#!/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This file is part of the web2py Web Framework Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro License: LGPLv3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) gluon.rewrite parses incoming URLs and formats outgoing URLs for gluon.html.URL. In addition, it rewrites both incoming and outgoing URLs based on the (optional) user-supplied routes.py, which also allows for rewriting of certain error messages. routes.py supports two styles of URL rewriting, depending on whether 'routers' is defined. Refer to router.example.py and routes.example.py for additional documentation. """ import os import re import logging import traceback import threading import urllib from storage import Storage, List from http import HTTP from fileutils import abspath from settings import global_settings logger = logging.getLogger('web2py.rewrite') thread = threading.local() # thread-local storage for routing parameters def _router_default(): "return new copy of default base router" router = Storage( default_application = 'init', applications = 'ALL', default_controller = 'default', controllers = 'DEFAULT', default_function = 'index', functions = None, default_language = None, languages = None, root_static = ['favicon.ico', 'robots.txt'], domains = None, map_hyphen = False, acfe_match = r'\w+$', # legal app/ctlr/fcn/ext file_match = r'(\w+[-=./]?)+$', # legal file (path) name args_match = r'([\w@ -]+[=.]?)*$', # legal arg in args ) return router def _params_default(app=None): "return new copy of default parameters" p = Storage() p.name = app or "BASE" p.default_application = app or "init" p.default_controller = "default" p.default_function = "index" p.routes_app = [] p.routes_in = [] p.routes_out = [] p.routes_onerror = [] p.routes_apps_raw = [] p.error_handler = None p.error_message = '


' p.error_message_ticket = \ '

Internal error

Ticket issued: %(ticket)s' p.routers = None return p params_apps = dict() params = _params_default(app=None) # regex rewrite parameters thread.routes = params # default to base regex rewrite parameters routers = None ROUTER_KEYS = set(('default_application', 'applications', 'default_controller', 'controllers', 'default_function', 'functions', 'default_language', 'languages', 'domain', 'domains', 'root_static', 'path_prefix', 'map_hyphen', 'map_static', 'acfe_match', 'file_match', 'args_match')) ROUTER_BASE_KEYS = set(('applications', 'default_application', 'domains', 'path_prefix')) # The external interface to rewrite consists of: # # load: load routing configuration file(s) # url_in: parse and rewrite incoming URL # url_out: assemble and rewrite outgoing URL # # thread.routes.default_application # thread.routes.error_message # thread.routes.error_message_ticket # thread.routes.try_redirect_on_error # thread.routes.error_handler # # filter_url: helper for doctest & unittest # filter_err: helper for doctest & unittest # regex_filter_out: doctest def url_in(request, environ): "parse and rewrite incoming URL" if routers: return map_url_in(request, environ) return regex_url_in(request, environ) def url_out(request, env, application, controller, function, args, other, scheme, host, port): "assemble and rewrite outgoing URL" if routers: acf = map_url_out(request, application, controller, function, args) url = '%s%s' % (acf, other) else: url = '/%s/%s/%s%s' % (application, controller, function, other) url = regex_filter_out(url, env) # # fill in scheme and host if absolute URL is requested # scheme can be a string, eg 'http', 'https', 'ws', 'wss' # if scheme or port is not None: if host is None: # scheme or port implies host host = True if not scheme or scheme is True: if request and request.env: scheme = request.env.get('WSGI_URL_SCHEME', 'http').lower() else: scheme = 'http' # some reasonable default in case we need it if host is not None: if host is True: host = request.env.http_host if host: if port is None: port = '' else: port = ':%s' % port url = '%s://%s%s%s' % (scheme, host, port, url) return url def try_redirect_on_error(http_object, request, ticket=None): "called from main.wsgibase to rewrite the http response" status = int(str(http_object.status).split()[0]) if status>399 and thread.routes.routes_onerror: keys=set(('%s/%s' % (request.application, status), '%s/*' % (request.application), '*/%s' % (status), '*/*')) for (key,redir) in thread.routes.routes_onerror: if key in keys: if redir == '!': break elif '?' in redir: url = '%s&code=%s&ticket=%s&requested_uri=%s&request_url=%s' % \ (redir,status,ticket,request.env.request_uri,request.url) else: url = '%s?code=%s&ticket=%s&requested_uri=%s&request_url=%s' % \ (redir,status,ticket,request.env.request_uri,request.url) return HTTP(303, 'You are being redirected here' % url, Location=url) return http_object def load(routes='routes.py', app=None, data=None, rdict=None): """ load: read (if file) and parse routes store results in params (called from main.py at web2py initialization time) If data is present, it's used instead of the routes.py contents. If rdict is present, it must be a dict to be used for routers (unit test) """ global params global routers if app is None: # reinitialize global params_apps params_apps = dict() params = _params_default(app=None) # regex rewrite parameters thread.routes = params # default to base regex rewrite parameters routers = None if isinstance(rdict, dict): symbols = dict(routers=rdict) path = 'rdict' else: if data is not None: path = 'routes' else: if app is None: path = abspath(routes) else: path = abspath('applications', app, routes) if not os.path.exists(path): return routesfp = open(path, 'r') data = routesfp.read().replace('\r\n','\n') routesfp.close() symbols = {} try: exec (data + '\n') in symbols except SyntaxError, e: logger.error( '%s has a syntax error and will not be loaded\n' % path + traceback.format_exc()) raise e p = _params_default(app) for sym in ('routes_app', 'routes_in', 'routes_out'): if sym in symbols: for (k, v) in symbols[sym]: p[sym].append(compile_regex(k, v)) for sym in ('routes_onerror', 'routes_apps_raw', 'error_handler','error_message', 'error_message_ticket', 'default_application','default_controller', 'default_function'): if sym in symbols: p[sym] = symbols[sym] if 'routers' in symbols: p.routers = Storage(symbols['routers']) for key in p.routers: if isinstance(p.routers[key], dict): p.routers[key] = Storage(p.routers[key]) if app is None: params = p # install base rewrite parameters thread.routes = params # install default as current routes # # create the BASE router if routers in use # routers = params.routers # establish routers if present if isinstance(routers, dict): routers = Storage(routers) if routers is not None: router = _router_default() if routers.BASE: router.update(routers.BASE) routers.BASE = router # scan each app in applications/ # create a router, if routers are in use # parse the app-specific routes.py if present # all_apps = [] for appname in [app for app in os.listdir(abspath('applications')) if not app.startswith('.')]: if os.path.isdir(abspath('applications', appname)) and \ os.path.isdir(abspath('applications', appname, 'controllers')): all_apps.append(appname) if routers: router = Storage(routers.BASE) # new copy if appname in routers: for key in routers[appname].keys(): if key in ROUTER_BASE_KEYS: raise SyntaxError, "BASE-only key '%s' in router '%s'" % (key, appname) router.update(routers[appname]) routers[appname] = router if os.path.exists(abspath('applications', appname, routes)): load(routes, appname) if routers: load_routers(all_apps) else: # app params_apps[app] = p if routers and p.routers: if app in p.routers: routers[app].update(p.routers[app]) logger.debug('URL rewrite is on. configuration in %s' % path) regex_at = re.compile(r'(? ?P.* for item in regex_anything.findall(k): k = k.replace(item, '(?P.*)') # $a (etc) -> ?P\w+ for item in regex_at.findall(k): k = k.replace(item, r'(?P<%s>\w+)' % item[1:]) # same for replacement pattern, but with \g for item in regex_at.findall(v): v = v.replace(item, r'\g<%s>' % item[1:]) return (re.compile(k, re.DOTALL), v) def load_routers(all_apps): "load-time post-processing of routers" for app in routers.keys(): # initialize apps with routers that aren't present, on behalf of unit tests if app not in all_apps: all_apps.append(app) router = Storage(routers.BASE) # new copy if app != 'BASE': for key in routers[app].keys(): if key in ROUTER_BASE_KEYS: raise SyntaxError, "BASE-only key '%s' in router '%s'" % (key, app) router.update(routers[app]) routers[app] = router router = routers[app] for key in router.keys(): if key not in ROUTER_KEYS: raise SyntaxError, "unknown key '%s' in router '%s'" % (key, app) if not router.controllers: router.controllers = set() elif not isinstance(router.controllers, str): router.controllers = set(router.controllers) if router.functions: router.functions = set(router.functions) else: router.functions = set() if router.languages: router.languages = set(router.languages) else: router.languages = set() if app != 'BASE': for base_only in ROUTER_BASE_KEYS: router.pop(base_only, None) if 'domain' in router: routers.BASE.domains[router.domain] = app if isinstance(router.controllers, str) and router.controllers == 'DEFAULT': router.controllers = set() if os.path.isdir(abspath('applications', app)): cpath = abspath('applications', app, 'controllers') for cname in os.listdir(cpath): if os.path.isfile(abspath(cpath, cname)) and cname.endswith('.py'): router.controllers.add(cname[:-3]) if router.controllers: router.controllers.add('static') router.controllers.add(router.default_controller) if router.functions: router.functions.add(router.default_function) if isinstance(routers.BASE.applications, str) and routers.BASE.applications == 'ALL': routers.BASE.applications = list(all_apps) if routers.BASE.applications: routers.BASE.applications = set(routers.BASE.applications) else: routers.BASE.applications = set() for app in routers.keys(): # set router name router = routers[app] router.name = app # compile URL validation patterns router._acfe_match = re.compile(router.acfe_match) router._file_match = re.compile(router.file_match) if router.args_match: router._args_match = re.compile(router.args_match) # convert path_prefix to a list of path elements if router.path_prefix: if isinstance(router.path_prefix, str): router.path_prefix = router.path_prefix.strip('/').split('/') # rewrite BASE.domains as tuples # # key: 'domain[:port]' -> (domain, port) # value: 'application[/controller] -> (application, controller) # (port and controller may be None) # domains = dict() if routers.BASE.domains: for (domain, app) in [(d.strip(':'), a.strip('/')) for (d, a) in routers.BASE.domains.items()]: port = None if ':' in domain: (domain, port) = domain.split(':') ctlr = None if '/' in app: (app, ctlr) = app.split('/') if app not in all_apps and app not in routers: raise SyntaxError, "unknown app '%s' in domains" % app domains[(domain, port)] = (app, ctlr) routers.BASE.domains = domains def regex_uri(e, regexes, tag, default=None): "filter incoming URI against a list of regexes" path = e['PATH_INFO'] host = e.get('HTTP_HOST', 'localhost').lower() i = host.find(':') if i > 0: host = host[:i] key = '%s:%s://%s:%s %s' % \ (e.get('REMOTE_ADDR','localhost'), e.get('WSGI_URL_SCHEME', 'http').lower(), host, e.get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'get').lower(), path) for (regex, value) in regexes: if regex.match(key): rewritten = regex.sub(value, key) logger.debug('%s: [%s] [%s] -> %s' % (tag, key, value, rewritten)) return rewritten logger.debug('%s: [%s] -> %s (not rewritten)' % (tag, key, default)) return default def regex_select(env=None, app=None, request=None): """ select a set of regex rewrite params for the current request """ if app: thread.routes = params_apps.get(app, params) elif env and params.routes_app: if routers: map_url_in(request, env, app=True) else: app = regex_uri(env, params.routes_app, "routes_app") thread.routes = params_apps.get(app, params) else: thread.routes = params # default to base rewrite parameters logger.debug("select routing parameters: %s" % thread.routes.name) return app # for doctest def regex_filter_in(e): "regex rewrite incoming URL" query = e.get('QUERY_STRING', None) e['WEB2PY_ORIGINAL_URI'] = e['PATH_INFO'] + (query and ('?' + query) or '') if thread.routes.routes_in: path = regex_uri(e, thread.routes.routes_in, "routes_in", e['PATH_INFO']) items = path.split('?', 1) e['PATH_INFO'] = items[0] if len(items) > 1: if query: query = items[1] + '&' + query else: query = items[1] e['QUERY_STRING'] = query e['REQUEST_URI'] = e['PATH_INFO'] + (query and ('?' + query) or '') return e # pattern to replace spaces with underscore in URL # also the html escaped variants '+' and '%20' are covered regex_space = re.compile('(\+|\s|%20)+') # pattern to find valid paths in url /application/controller/... # this could be: # for static pages: # //static/ # for dynamic pages: # /[/[/[.][/]]] # application, controller, function and ext may only contain [a-zA-Z0-9_] # file and args may also contain '-', '=', '.' and '/' # apps in routes_apps_raw must parse raw_args into args regex_static = re.compile(r''' (^ # static pages /(?P \w+) # b=app /static # /b/static /(?P (\w[\-\=\./]?)* ) # x=file $) ''', re.X) regex_url = re.compile(r''' (^( # (/a/c/f.e/s) /(?P [\w\s+]+ ) # /a=app ( # (/c.f.e/s) /(?P [\w\s+]+ ) # /a/c=controller ( # (/f.e/s) /(?P [\w\s+]+ ) # /a/c/f=function ( # (.e) \.(?P [\w\s+]+ ) # /a/c/f.e=extension )? ( # (/s) /(?P # /a/c/f.e/r=raw_args .* ) )? )? )? )? /?$) ''', re.X) regex_args = re.compile(r''' (^ (?P ( [\w@/-][=.]? )* # s=args )? /?$) # trailing slash ''', re.X) def regex_url_in(request, environ): "rewrite and parse incoming URL" # ################################################## # select application # rewrite URL if routes_in is defined # update request.env # ################################################## regex_select(env=environ, request=request) if thread.routes.routes_in: environ = regex_filter_in(environ) for (key, value) in environ.items(): request.env[key.lower().replace('.', '_')] = value path = request.env.path_info.replace('\\', '/') # ################################################## # serve if a static file # ################################################## match = regex_static.match(regex_space.sub('_', path)) if match and match.group('x'): static_file = os.path.join(request.env.applications_parent, 'applications', match.group('b'), 'static', match.group('x')) return (static_file, environ) # ################################################## # parse application, controller and function # ################################################## path = re.sub('%20', ' ', path) match = regex_url.match(path) if not match or match.group('c') == 'static': raise HTTP(400, thread.routes.error_message % 'invalid request', web2py_error='invalid path') request.application = \ regex_space.sub('_', match.group('a') or thread.routes.default_application) request.controller = \ regex_space.sub('_', match.group('c') or thread.routes.default_controller) request.function = \ regex_space.sub('_', match.group('f') or thread.routes.default_function) group_e = match.group('e') request.raw_extension = group_e and regex_space.sub('_', group_e) or None request.extension = request.raw_extension or 'html' request.raw_args = match.group('r') request.args = List([]) if request.application in thread.routes.routes_apps_raw: # application is responsible for parsing args request.args = None elif request.raw_args: match = regex_args.match(request.raw_args.replace(' ', '_')) if match: group_s = match.group('s') request.args = \ List((group_s and group_s.split('/')) or []) if request.args and request.args[-1] == '': request.args.pop() # adjust for trailing empty arg else: raise HTTP(400, thread.routes.error_message % 'invalid request', web2py_error='invalid path (args)') return (None, environ) def regex_filter_out(url, e=None): "regex rewrite outgoing URL" if not hasattr(thread, 'routes'): regex_select() # ensure thread.routes is set (for application threads) if routers: return url # already filtered if thread.routes.routes_out: items = url.split('?', 1) if e: host = e.get('http_host', 'localhost').lower() i = host.find(':') if i > 0: host = host[:i] items[0] = '%s:%s://%s:%s %s' % \ (e.get('remote_addr', ''), e.get('wsgi_url_scheme', 'http').lower(), host, e.get('request_method', 'get').lower(), items[0]) else: items[0] = ':http://localhost:get %s' % items[0] for (regex, value) in thread.routes.routes_out: if regex.match(items[0]): rewritten = '?'.join([regex.sub(value, items[0])] + items[1:]) logger.debug('routes_out: [%s] -> %s' % (url, rewritten)) return rewritten logger.debug('routes_out: [%s] not rewritten' % url) return url def filter_url(url, method='get', remote='', out=False, app=False, lang=None, domain=(None,None), env=False): "doctest/unittest interface to regex_filter_in() and regex_filter_out()" regex_url = re.compile(r'^(?Phttp|https|HTTP|HTTPS)\://(?P[^/]*)(?P.*)') match = regex_url.match(url) scheme = match.group('scheme').lower() host = match.group('host').lower() uri = match.group('uri') k = uri.find('?') if k < 0: k = len(uri) (path_info, query_string) = (uri[:k], uri[k+1:]) path_info = urllib.unquote(path_info) # simulate server e = { 'REMOTE_ADDR': remote, 'REQUEST_METHOD': method, 'WSGI_URL_SCHEME': scheme, 'HTTP_HOST': host, 'REQUEST_URI': uri, 'PATH_INFO': path_info, 'QUERY_STRING': query_string, #for filter_out request.env use lowercase 'remote_addr': remote, 'request_method': method, 'wsgi_url_scheme': scheme, 'http_host': host } request = Storage() e["applications_parent"] = global_settings.applications_parent request.env = Storage(e) request.uri_language = lang # determine application only # if app: if routers: return map_url_in(request, e, app=True) return regex_select(e) # rewrite outbound URL # if out: (request.env.domain_application, request.env.domain_controller) = domain items = path_info.lstrip('/').split('/') if items[-1] == '': items.pop() # adjust trailing empty args assert len(items) >= 3, "at least /a/c/f is required" a = items.pop(0) c = items.pop(0) f = items.pop(0) if not routers: return regex_filter_out(uri, e) acf = map_url_out(request, a, c, f, items) if items: url = '%s/%s' % (acf, '/'.join(items)) if items[-1] == '': url += '/' else: url = acf if query_string: url += '?' + query_string return url # rewrite inbound URL # (static, e) = url_in(request, e) if static: return static result = "/%s/%s/%s" % (request.application, request.controller, request.function) if request.extension and request.extension != 'html': result += ".%s" % request.extension if request.args: result += " %s" % request.args if e['QUERY_STRING']: result += " ?%s" % e['QUERY_STRING'] if request.uri_language: result += " (%s)" % request.uri_language if env: return request.env return result def filter_err(status, application='app', ticket='tkt'): "doctest/unittest interface to routes_onerror" if status > 399 and thread.routes.routes_onerror: keys = set(('%s/%s' % (application, status), '%s/*' % (application), '*/%s' % (status), '*/*')) for (key,redir) in thread.routes.routes_onerror: if key in keys: if redir == '!': break elif '?' in redir: url = redir + '&' + 'code=%s&ticket=%s' % (status,ticket) else: url = redir + '?' + 'code=%s&ticket=%s' % (status,ticket) return url # redirection return status # no action # router support # class MapUrlIn(object): "logic for mapping incoming URLs" def __init__(self, request=None, env=None): "initialize a map-in object" self.request = request self.env = env self.router = None self.application = None self.language = None self.controller = None self.function = None self.extension = 'html' self.controllers = set() self.functions = set() self.languages = set() self.default_language = None self.map_hyphen = False path = self.env['PATH_INFO'] self.query = self.env.get('QUERY_STRING', None) path = path.lstrip('/') self.env['PATH_INFO'] = '/' + path self.env['WEB2PY_ORIGINAL_URI'] = self.env['PATH_INFO'] + (self.query and ('?' + self.query) or '') # to handle empty args, strip exactly one trailing slash, if present # .../arg1// represents one trailing empty arg # if path.endswith('/'): path = path[:-1] self.args = List(path and path.split('/') or []) # see http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333/#url-reconstruction for URL composition self.remote_addr = self.env.get('REMOTE_ADDR','localhost') self.scheme = self.env.get('WSGI_URL_SCHEME', 'http').lower() self.method = self.env.get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'get').lower() self.host = self.env.get('HTTP_HOST') self.port = None if not self.host: self.host = self.env.get('SERVER_NAME') self.port = self.env.get('SERVER_PORT') if not self.host: self.host = 'localhost' self.port = '80' if ':' in self.host: (self.host, self.port) = self.host.split(':') if not self.port: if self.scheme == 'https': self.port = '443' else: self.port = '80' def map_prefix(self): "strip path prefix, if present in its entirety" prefix = routers.BASE.path_prefix if prefix: prefixlen = len(prefix) if prefixlen > len(self.args): return for i in xrange(prefixlen): if prefix[i] != self.args[i]: return # prefix didn't match self.args = List(self.args[prefixlen:]) # strip the prefix def map_app(self): "determine application name" base = routers.BASE # base router self.domain_application = None self.domain_controller = None arg0 = self.harg0 if base.applications and arg0 in base.applications: self.application = arg0 elif (self.host, self.port) in base.domains: (self.application, self.domain_controller) = base.domains[(self.host, self.port)] self.env['domain_application'] = self.application self.env['domain_controller'] = self.domain_controller elif (self.host, None) in base.domains: (self.application, self.domain_controller) = base.domains[(self.host, None)] self.env['domain_application'] = self.application self.env['domain_controller'] = self.domain_controller elif arg0 and not base.applications: self.application = arg0 else: self.application = base.default_application or '' self.pop_arg_if(self.application == arg0) if not base._acfe_match.match(self.application): raise HTTP(400, thread.routes.error_message % 'invalid request', web2py_error="invalid application: '%s'" % self.application) if self.application not in routers and \ (self.application != thread.routes.default_application or self.application == 'welcome'): raise HTTP(400, thread.routes.error_message % 'invalid request', web2py_error="unknown application: '%s'" % self.application) # set the application router # logger.debug("select application=%s" % self.application) self.request.application = self.application if self.application not in routers: self.router = routers.BASE # support gluon.main.wsgibase init->welcome else: self.router = routers[self.application] # application router self.controllers = self.router.controllers self.default_controller = self.domain_controller or self.router.default_controller self.functions = self.router.functions self.languages = self.router.languages self.default_language = self.router.default_language self.map_hyphen = self.router.map_hyphen self._acfe_match = self.router._acfe_match self._file_match = self.router._file_match self._args_match = self.router._args_match def map_root_static(self): ''' handle root-static files (no hyphen mapping) a root-static file is one whose incoming URL expects it to be at the root, typically robots.txt & favicon.ico ''' if len(self.args) == 1 and self.arg0 in self.router.root_static: self.controller = self.request.controller = 'static' root_static_file = os.path.join(self.request.env.applications_parent, 'applications', self.application, self.controller, self.arg0) logger.debug("route: root static=%s" % root_static_file) return root_static_file return None def map_language(self): "handle language (no hyphen mapping)" arg0 = self.arg0 # no hyphen mapping if arg0 and self.languages and arg0 in self.languages: self.language = arg0 else: self.language = self.default_language if self.language: logger.debug("route: language=%s" % self.language) self.pop_arg_if(self.language == arg0) arg0 = self.arg0 def map_controller(self): "identify controller" # handle controller # arg0 = self.harg0 # map hyphens if not arg0 or (self.controllers and arg0 not in self.controllers): self.controller = self.default_controller or '' else: self.controller = arg0 self.pop_arg_if(arg0 == self.controller) logger.debug("route: controller=%s" % self.controller) if not self.router._acfe_match.match(self.controller): raise HTTP(400, thread.routes.error_message % 'invalid request', web2py_error='invalid controller') def map_static(self): ''' handle static files file_match but no hyphen mapping ''' if self.controller != 'static': return None file = '/'.join(self.args) if not self.router._file_match.match(file): raise HTTP(400, thread.routes.error_message % 'invalid request', web2py_error='invalid static file') # # support language-specific static subdirectories, # eg /appname/en/static/filename => applications/appname/static/en/filename # if language-specific file doesn't exist, try same file in static # if self.language: static_file = os.path.join(self.request.env.applications_parent, 'applications', self.application, 'static', self.language, file) if not self.language or not os.path.isfile(static_file): static_file = os.path.join(self.request.env.applications_parent, 'applications', self.application, 'static', file) logger.debug("route: static=%s" % static_file) return static_file def map_function(self): "handle function.extension" arg0 = self.harg0 # map hyphens if not arg0 or self.functions and arg0 not in self.functions and self.controller == self.default_controller: self.function = self.router.default_function or "" self.pop_arg_if(arg0 and self.function == arg0) else: func_ext = arg0.split('.') if len(func_ext) > 1: self.function = func_ext[0] self.extension = func_ext[-1] else: self.function = arg0 self.pop_arg_if(True) logger.debug("route: function.ext=%s.%s" % (self.function, self.extension)) if not self.router._acfe_match.match(self.function): raise HTTP(400, thread.routes.error_message % 'invalid request', web2py_error='invalid function') if self.extension and not self.router._acfe_match.match(self.extension): raise HTTP(400, thread.routes.error_message % 'invalid request', web2py_error='invalid extension') def validate_args(self): ''' check args against validation pattern ''' for arg in self.args: if not self.router._args_match.match(arg): raise HTTP(400, thread.routes.error_message % 'invalid request', web2py_error='invalid arg <%s>' % arg) def update_request(self): ''' update request from self build env.request_uri make lower-case versions of http headers in env ''' self.request.application = self.application self.request.controller = self.controller self.request.function = self.function self.request.extension = self.extension self.request.args = self.args if self.language: self.request.uri_language = self.language uri = '/%s/%s/%s' % (self.application, self.controller, self.function) if self.map_hyphen: uri = uri.replace('_', '-') if self.extension != 'html': uri += '.' + self.extension if self.language: uri = '/%s%s' % (self.language, uri) uri += self.args and urllib.quote('/' + '/'.join([str(x) for x in self.args])) or '' uri += (self.query and ('?' + self.query) or '') self.env['REQUEST_URI'] = uri for (key, value) in self.env.items(): self.request.env[key.lower().replace('.', '_')] = value @property def arg0(self): "return first arg" return self.args(0) @property def harg0(self): "return first arg with optional hyphen mapping" if self.map_hyphen and self.args(0): return self.args(0).replace('-', '_') return self.args(0) def pop_arg_if(self, dopop): "conditionally remove first arg and return new first arg" if dopop: self.args.pop(0) class MapUrlOut(object): "logic for mapping outgoing URLs" def __init__(self, application, controller, function, args, request): "initialize a map-out object" self.default_application = routers.BASE.default_application if application in routers: self.router = routers[application] else: self.router = routers.BASE self.application = application self.controller = controller self.function = function self.args = args self.request = request self.applications = routers.BASE.applications self.controllers = self.router.controllers self.functions = self.router.functions self.languages = self.router.languages self.default_language = self.router.default_language self.map_hyphen = self.router.map_hyphen self.map_static = self.router.map_static self.path_prefix = routers.BASE.path_prefix self.domain_application = request and self.request.env.domain_application self.domain_controller = request and self.request.env.domain_controller self.default_function = self.router.default_function lang = request and request.uri_language if lang and self.languages and lang in self.languages: self.language = lang else: self.language = None self.omit_application = False self.omit_language = False self.omit_controller = False self.omit_function = False def omit_lang(self): "omit language if possible" if not self.language or self.language == self.default_language: self.omit_language = True def omit_acf(self): "omit what we can of a/c/f" router = self.router # Handle the easy no-args case of tail-defaults: /a/c /a / # if not self.args and self.function == router.default_function: self.omit_function = True if self.controller == router.default_controller: self.omit_controller = True if self.application == self.default_application: self.omit_application = True # omit default application # (which might be the domain default application) # default_application = self.domain_application or self.default_application if self.application == default_application: self.omit_application = True # omit controller if default controller # default_controller = ((self.application == self.domain_application) and self.domain_controller) or router.default_controller or '' if self.controller == default_controller: self.omit_controller = True # omit function if default controller/function # if self.functions and self.function == self.default_function and self.omit_controller: self.omit_function = True # prohibit ambiguous cases # # because we presume the lang string to be unambiguous, its presence protects application omission # if self.omit_language: if not self.applications or self.controller in self.applications: self.omit_application = False if self.omit_application: if not self.applications or self.function in self.applications: self.omit_controller = False if not self.controllers or self.function in self.controllers: self.omit_controller = False if self.args: if self.args[0] in self.functions or self.args[0] in self.controllers or self.args[0] in self.applications: self.omit_function = False if self.omit_controller: if self.function in self.controllers or self.function in self.applications: self.omit_controller = False if self.omit_application: if self.controller in self.applications: self.omit_application = False # handle static as a special case # (easier for external static handling) # if self.controller == 'static' or self.controller.startswith('static/'): if not self.map_static: self.omit_application = False if self.language: self.omit_language = False self.omit_controller = False self.omit_function = False def build_acf(self): "build acf from components" acf = '' if self.map_hyphen: self.application = self.application.replace('_', '-') self.controller = self.controller.replace('_', '-') if self.controller != 'static' and not self.controller.startswith('static/'): self.function = self.function.replace('_', '-') if not self.omit_application: acf += '/' + self.application if not self.omit_language: acf += '/' + self.language if not self.omit_controller: acf += '/' + self.controller if not self.omit_function: acf += '/' + self.function if self.path_prefix: acf = '/' + '/'.join(self.path_prefix) + acf if self.args: return acf return acf or '/' def acf(self): "convert components to /app/lang/controller/function" if not routers: return None # use regex filter self.omit_lang() # try to omit language self.omit_acf() # try to omit a/c/f return self.build_acf() # build and return the /a/lang/c/f string def map_url_in(request, env, app=False): "route incoming URL" # initialize router-url object # thread.routes = params # default to base routes map = MapUrlIn(request=request, env=env) map.map_prefix() # strip prefix if present map.map_app() # determine application # configure thread.routes for error rewrite # if params.routes_app: thread.routes = params_apps.get(app, params) if app: return map.application root_static_file = map.map_root_static() # handle root-static files if root_static_file: return (root_static_file, map.env) map.map_language() map.map_controller() static_file = map.map_static() if static_file: return (static_file, map.env) map.map_function() map.validate_args() map.update_request() return (None, map.env) def map_url_out(request, application, controller, function, args): ''' supply /a/c/f (or /a/lang/c/f) portion of outgoing url The basic rule is that we can only make transformations that map_url_in can reverse. Suppose that the incoming arguments are a,c,f,args,lang and that the router defaults are da, dc, df, dl. We can perform these transformations trivially if args=[] and lang=None or dl: /da/dc/df => / /a/dc/df => /a /a/c/df => /a/c We would also like to be able to strip the default application or application/controller from URLs with function/args present, thus: /da/c/f/args => /c/f/args /da/dc/f/args => /f/args We use [applications] and [controllers] to suppress ambiguous omissions. We assume that language names do not collide with a/c/f names. ''' map = MapUrlOut(application, controller, function, args, request) return map.acf() def get_effective_router(appname): "return a private copy of the effective router for the specified application" if not routers or appname not in routers: return None return Storage(routers[appname]) # return a copy