# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of the Rocket Web Server # Copyright (c) 2010 Timothy Farrell # Import System Modules import sys import errno import socket import logging import platform # Define Constants VERSION = '1.2.2' SERVER_NAME = socket.gethostname() SERVER_SOFTWARE = 'Rocket %s' % VERSION HTTP_SERVER_SOFTWARE = '%s Python/%s' % (SERVER_SOFTWARE, sys.version.split(' ')[0]) BUF_SIZE = 16384 SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 1 # in secs THREAD_STOP_CHECK_INTERVAL = 1 # in secs, How often should threads check for a server stop message? IS_JYTHON = platform.system() == 'Java' # Handle special cases for Jython IGNORE_ERRORS_ON_CLOSE = set([errno.ECONNABORTED, errno.ECONNRESET]) DEFAULT_LISTEN_QUEUE_SIZE = 5 DEFAULT_MIN_THREADS = 10 DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS = 0 DEFAULTS = dict(LISTEN_QUEUE_SIZE = DEFAULT_LISTEN_QUEUE_SIZE, MIN_THREADS = DEFAULT_MIN_THREADS, MAX_THREADS = DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS) PY3K = sys.version_info[0] > 2 class NullHandler(logging.Handler): "A Logging handler to prevent library errors." def emit(self, record): pass if PY3K: def b(val): """ Convert string/unicode/bytes literals into bytes. This allows for the same code to run on Python 2.x and 3.x. """ if isinstance(val, str): return val.encode() else: return val def u(val, encoding="us-ascii"): """ Convert bytes into string/unicode. This allows for the same code to run on Python 2.x and 3.x. """ if isinstance(val, bytes): return val.decode(encoding) else: return val else: def b(val): """ Convert string/unicode/bytes literals into bytes. This allows for the same code to run on Python 2.x and 3.x. """ if isinstance(val, unicode): return val.encode() else: return val def u(val, encoding="us-ascii"): """ Convert bytes into string/unicode. This allows for the same code to run on Python 2.x and 3.x. """ if isinstance(val, str): return val.decode(encoding) else: return val # Import Package Modules # package imports removed in monolithic build __all__ = ['VERSION', 'SERVER_SOFTWARE', 'HTTP_SERVER_SOFTWARE', 'BUF_SIZE', 'IS_JYTHON', 'IGNORE_ERRORS_ON_CLOSE', 'DEFAULTS', 'PY3K', 'b', 'u', 'Rocket', 'CherryPyWSGIServer', 'SERVER_NAME', 'NullHandler'] # Monolithic build...end of module: rocket\__init__.py # Monolithic build...start of module: rocket\connection.py # Import System Modules import sys import time import socket try: import ssl has_ssl = True except ImportError: has_ssl = False # package imports removed in monolithic build class Connection(object): __slots__ = [ 'setblocking', 'sendall', 'shutdown', 'makefile', 'fileno', 'client_addr', 'client_port', 'server_port', 'socket', 'start_time', 'ssl', 'secure' ] def __init__(self, sock_tuple, port, secure=False): self.client_addr, self.client_port = sock_tuple[1] self.server_port = port self.socket = sock_tuple[0] self.start_time = time.time() self.ssl = has_ssl and isinstance(self.socket, ssl.SSLSocket) self.secure = secure if IS_JYTHON: # In Jython we must set TCP_NODELAY here since it does not # inherit from the listening socket. # See: http://bugs.jython.org/issue1309 self.socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) self.socket.settimeout(SOCKET_TIMEOUT) self.sendall = self.socket.sendall self.shutdown = self.socket.shutdown self.fileno = self.socket.fileno self.makefile = self.socket.makefile self.setblocking = self.socket.setblocking def close(self): if hasattr(self.socket, '_sock'): try: self.socket._sock.close() except socket.error: info = sys.exc_info() if info[1].errno != socket.EBADF: raise info[1] else: pass self.socket.close() # Monolithic build...end of module: rocket\connection.py # Monolithic build...start of module: rocket\listener.py # Import System Modules import os import socket import logging import traceback from threading import Thread try: import ssl from ssl import SSLError has_ssl = True except ImportError: has_ssl = False class SSLError(socket.error): pass # Import Package Modules # package imports removed in monolithic build class Listener(Thread): """The Listener class is a class responsible for accepting connections and queuing them to be processed by a worker thread.""" def __init__(self, interface, queue_size, active_queue, *args, **kwargs): Thread.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Instance variables self.active_queue = active_queue self.interface = interface self.addr = interface[0] self.port = interface[1] self.secure = len(interface) == 4 and \ os.path.exists(interface[2]) and \ os.path.exists(interface[3]) self.ready = False # Error Log self.err_log = logging.getLogger('Rocket.Errors.Port%i' % self.port) self.err_log.addHandler(NullHandler()) # Build the socket listener = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if not listener: self.err_log.error("Failed to get socket.") return if self.secure: if not has_ssl: self.err_log.error("ssl module required to serve HTTPS.") return elif not os.path.exists(interface[2]): data = (interface[2], interface[0], interface[1]) self.err_log.error("Cannot find key file " "'%s'. Cannot bind to %s:%s" % data) return elif not os.path.exists(interface[3]): data = (interface[3], interface[0], interface[1]) self.err_log.error("Cannot find certificate file " "'%s'. Cannot bind to %s:%s" % data) return # Set socket options try: listener.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) except: msg = "Cannot share socket. Using %s:%i exclusively." self.err_log.warning(msg % (self.addr, self.port)) try: if not IS_JYTHON: listener.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) except: msg = "Cannot set TCP_NODELAY, things might run a little slower" self.err_log.warning(msg) try: listener.bind((self.addr, self.port)) except: msg = "Socket %s:%i in use by other process and it won't share." self.err_log.error(msg % (self.addr, self.port)) else: # We want socket operations to timeout periodically so we can # check if the server is shutting down listener.settimeout(THREAD_STOP_CHECK_INTERVAL) # Listen for new connections allowing queue_size number of # connections to wait before rejecting a connection. listener.listen(queue_size) self.listener = listener self.ready = True def wrap_socket(self, sock): try: sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, keyfile = self.interface[2], certfile = self.interface[3], server_side = True, ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) except SSLError: # Generally this happens when an HTTP request is received on a # secure socket. We don't do anything because it will be detected # by Worker and dealt with appropriately. pass return sock def run(self): if not self.ready: self.err_log.warning('Listener started when not ready.') return if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Entering main loop.') while True: try: sock, addr = self.listener.accept() if self.secure: sock = self.wrap_socket(sock) self.active_queue.put(((sock, addr), self.interface[1], self.secure)) except socket.timeout: # socket.timeout will be raised every THREAD_STOP_CHECK_INTERVAL # seconds. When that happens, we check if it's time to die. if not self.ready: if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Listener exiting.') return else: continue except: self.err_log.error(str(traceback.format_exc())) # Monolithic build...end of module: rocket\listener.py # Monolithic build...start of module: rocket\main.py # Import System Modules import sys import time import socket import logging import traceback try: from queue import Queue except ImportError: from Queue import Queue # Import Package Modules # package imports removed in monolithic build # Setup Logging log = logging.getLogger('Rocket') log.addHandler(NullHandler()) class Rocket(object): """The Rocket class is responsible for handling threads and accepting and dispatching connections.""" def __init__(self, interfaces = ('', 8000), method = 'wsgi', app_info = None, min_threads = None, max_threads = None, queue_size = None, timeout = 600, handle_signals = True): self.handle_signals = handle_signals if not isinstance(interfaces, list): self.interfaces = [interfaces] else: self.interfaces = interfaces if min_threads is None: min_threads = DEFAULTS['MIN_THREADS'] if max_threads is None: max_threads = DEFAULTS['MAX_THREADS'] if not queue_size: if hasattr(socket, 'SOMAXCONN'): queue_size = socket.SOMAXCONN else: queue_size = DEFAULTS['LISTEN_QUEUE_SIZE'] if max_threads and queue_size > max_threads: queue_size = max_threads if isinstance(app_info, dict): app_info['server_software'] = SERVER_SOFTWARE monitor_queue = Queue() active_queue = Queue() self._monitor = Monitor(monitor_queue, active_queue, timeout) self._threadpool = ThreadPool(get_method(method), app_info = app_info, active_queue=active_queue, monitor_queue = monitor_queue, min_threads=min_threads, max_threads=max_threads) # Build our socket listeners self.listeners = [Listener(i, queue_size, active_queue) for i in self.interfaces] for ndx in range(len(self.listeners)-1, 0, -1): if not self.listeners[ndx].ready: del self.listeners[ndx] if not self.listeners: log.critical("No interfaces to listen on...closing.") sys.exit(1) def _sigterm(self, signum, frame): log.info('Received SIGTERM') self.stop() def _sighup(self, signum, frame): log.info('Received SIGHUP') self.restart() def start(self): log.info('Starting %s' % SERVER_SOFTWARE) # Set up our shutdown signals if self.handle_signals: try: import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._sigterm) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self._sighup) except: log.debug('This platform does not support signals.') # Start our worker threads self._threadpool.start() # Start our monitor thread self._monitor.setDaemon(True) self._monitor.start() # I know that EXPR and A or B is bad but I'm keeping it for Py2.4 # compatibility. str_extract = lambda l: (l.addr, l.port, l.secure and '*' or '') msg = 'Listening on sockets: ' msg += ', '.join(['%s:%i%s' % str_extract(l) for l in self.listeners]) log.info(msg) for l in self.listeners: l.start() tp = self._threadpool dynamic_resize = tp.dynamic_resize while not tp.stop_server: try: dynamic_resize() time.sleep(THREAD_STOP_CHECK_INTERVAL) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Capture a keyboard interrupt when running from a console break except: if not tp.stop_server: log.error(str(traceback.format_exc())) continue return self.stop() def stop(self, stoplogging = True): log.info("Stopping Server") # Stop listeners for l in self.listeners: l.ready = False if l.isAlive(): l.join() # Stop Worker threads self._threadpool.stop() # Stop Monitor self._monitor.stop() if self._monitor.isAlive(): self._monitor.join() if stoplogging: logging.shutdown() def restart(self): self.stop(False) self.start() def CherryPyWSGIServer(bind_addr, wsgi_app, numthreads = 10, server_name = None, max = -1, request_queue_size = 5, timeout = 10, shutdown_timeout = 5): """ A Cherrypy wsgiserver-compatible wrapper. """ max_threads = max if max_threads < 0: max_threads = 0 return Rocket(bind_addr, 'wsgi', {'wsgi_app': wsgi_app}, min_threads = numthreads, max_threads = max_threads, queue_size = request_queue_size, timeout = timeout) # Monolithic build...end of module: rocket\main.py # Monolithic build...start of module: rocket\monitor.py # Import System Modules import time import logging import select from threading import Thread # Import Package Modules # package imports removed in monolithic build class Monitor(Thread): # Monitor worker class. def __init__(self, monitor_queue, active_queue, timeout, *args, **kwargs): Thread.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Instance Variables self.monitor_queue = monitor_queue self.active_queue = active_queue self.timeout = timeout self.connections = set() self.active = False def run(self): self.name = self.getName() self.log = logging.getLogger('Rocket.Monitor') self.log.addHandler(NullHandler()) self.active = True conn_list = list() list_changed = False if __debug__: self.log.debug('Entering monitor loop.') # Enter thread main loop while self.active: # Move the queued connections to the selection pool while not self.monitor_queue.empty() or not len(self.connections): if __debug__: self.log.debug('In "receive timed-out connections" loop.') c = self.monitor_queue.get() if c is None: # A non-client is a signal to die if __debug__: self.log.debug('Received a death threat.') return self.log.debug('Received a timed out connection.') if __debug__: assert(c not in self.connections) if IS_JYTHON: # Jython requires a socket to be in Non-blocking mode in # order to select on it. c.setblocking(False) if __debug__: self.log.debug('Adding connection to monitor list.') self.connections.add(c) list_changed = True # Wait on those connections self.log.debug('Blocking on connections') if list_changed: conn_list = list(self.connections) list_changed = False try: readable = select.select(conn_list, [], [], THREAD_STOP_CHECK_INTERVAL)[0] except: if self.active: raise else: break # If we have any readable connections, put them back for r in readable: if __debug__: self.log.debug('Restoring readable connection') if IS_JYTHON: # Jython requires a socket to be in Non-blocking mode in # order to select on it, but the rest of the code requires # that it be in blocking mode. r.setblocking(True) r.start_time = time.time() self.active_queue.put(r) self.connections.remove(r) list_changed = True # If we have any stale connections, kill them off. if self.timeout: now = time.time() stale = set() for c in self.connections: if (now - c.start_time) >= self.timeout: stale.add(c) for c in stale: if __debug__: # "EXPR and A or B" kept for Py2.4 compatibility data = (c.client_addr, c.server_port, c.ssl and '*' or '') self.log.debug('Flushing stale connection: %s:%i%s' % data) self.connections.remove(c) list_changed = True try: c.close() finally: del c def stop(self): self.active = False if __debug__: self.log.debug('Flushing waiting connections') for c in self.connections: try: c.close() finally: del c if __debug__: self.log.debug('Flushing queued connections') while not self.monitor_queue.empty(): c = self.monitor_queue.get() if c is None: continue try: c.close() finally: del c # Place a None sentry value to cause the monitor to die. self.monitor_queue.put(None) # Monolithic build...end of module: rocket\monitor.py # Monolithic build...start of module: rocket\threadpool.py # Import System Modules import logging # Import Package Modules # package imports removed in monolithic build # Setup Logging log = logging.getLogger('Rocket.Errors.ThreadPool') log.addHandler(NullHandler()) class ThreadPool: """The ThreadPool class is a container class for all the worker threads. It manages the number of actively running threads.""" def __init__(self, method, app_info, active_queue, monitor_queue, min_threads=DEFAULTS['MIN_THREADS'], max_threads=DEFAULTS['MAX_THREADS'], ): if __debug__: log.debug("Initializing ThreadPool.") self.check_for_dead_threads = 0 self.active_queue = active_queue self.worker_class = method self.min_threads = min_threads self.max_threads = max_threads self.monitor_queue = monitor_queue self.stop_server = False # TODO - Optimize this based on some real-world usage data self.grow_threshold = int(max_threads/10) + 2 if not isinstance(app_info, dict): app_info = dict() app_info.update(max_threads=max_threads, min_threads=min_threads) self.app_info = app_info self.threads = set() for x in range(min_threads): worker = self.worker_class(app_info, self.active_queue, self.monitor_queue) self.threads.add(worker) def start(self): self.stop_server = False if __debug__: log.debug("Starting threads.") for thread in self.threads: thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() def stop(self): if __debug__: log.debug("Stopping threads.") self.stop_server = True # Prompt the threads to die for t in self.threads: self.active_queue.put(None) # Give them the gun for t in self.threads: t.kill() # Wait until they pull the trigger for t in self.threads: t.join() # Clean up the mess self.bring_out_your_dead() def bring_out_your_dead(self): # Remove dead threads from the pool dead_threads = [t for t in self.threads if not t.isAlive()] for t in dead_threads: if __debug__: log.debug("Removing dead thread: %s." % t.getName()) try: # Py2.4 complains here so we put it in a try block self.threads.remove(t) except: pass self.check_for_dead_threads -= len(dead_threads) def grow(self, amount=None): if self.stop_server: return if not amount: amount = self.max_threads amount = min([amount, self.max_threads - len(self.threads)]) if __debug__: log.debug("Growing by %i." % amount) for x in range(amount): worker = self.worker_class(self.app_info, self.active_queue, self.monitor_queue) worker.setDaemon(True) self.threads.add(worker) worker.start() def shrink(self, amount=1): if __debug__: log.debug("Shrinking by %i." % amount) self.check_for_dead_threads += amount for x in range(amount): self.active_queue.put(None) def dynamic_resize(self): if (self.max_threads > self.min_threads or self.max_threads == 0): if self.check_for_dead_threads > 0: self.bring_out_your_dead() queueSize = self.active_queue.qsize() threadCount = len(self.threads) if __debug__: log.debug("Examining ThreadPool. %i threads and %i Q'd conxions" % (threadCount, queueSize)) if queueSize == 0 and threadCount > self.min_threads: self.shrink() elif queueSize > self.grow_threshold: self.grow(queueSize) # Monolithic build...end of module: rocket\threadpool.py # Monolithic build...start of module: rocket\worker.py # Import System Modules import re import sys import socket import logging import traceback #from wsgiref.headers import Headers from threading import Thread from datetime import datetime try: from urllib import unquote except ImportError: from urllib.parse import unquote try: from io import StringIO except ImportError: try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO try: from ssl import SSLError except ImportError: class SSLError(socket.error): pass # Import Package Modules # package imports removed in monolithic build # Define Constants re_SLASH = re.compile('%2F', re.IGNORECASE) re_REQUEST_LINE = re.compile(r"""^ (?POPTIONS|GET|HEAD|POST|PUT|DELETE|TRACE|CONNECT) # Request Method \ # (single space) ( (?P[^:/]+) # Scheme (://) # (?P[^/]+) # Host )? # (?P(\*|/[^ \?]*)) # Path (\? (?P[^ ]+))? # Query String \ # (single space) (?PHTTPS?/1\.[01]) # Protocol $ """, re.X) LOG_LINE = '%(client_ip)s - "%(request_line)s" - %(status)s %(size)s' RESPONSE = '''\ HTTP/1.1 %s Content-Length: %i Content-Type: %s %s ''' if IS_JYTHON: HTTP_METHODS = set(['OPTIONS', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'TRACE', 'CONNECT']) ### # The Headers and FileWrapper classes are ripped straight from the Python # Standard Library. I've removed some docstrings and integrated my BUF_SIZE. # See the Python License here: http://docs.python.org/license.html ### # Regular expression that matches `special' characters in parameters, the # existance of which force quoting of the parameter value. import re _tspecials = re.compile(r'[ \(\)<>@,;:\\"/\[\]\?=]') def _formatparam(param, value=None, quote=1): """Convenience function to format and return a key=value pair. This will quote the value if needed or if quote is true. """ if value is not None and len(value) > 0: if quote or _tspecials.search(value): value = value.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', r'\"') return '%s="%s"' % (param, value) else: return '%s=%s' % (param, value) else: return param class Headers: def __init__(self,headers): if type(headers) is not type([]): raise TypeError("Headers must be a list of name/value tuples") self._headers = headers def __len__(self): return len(self._headers) def __setitem__(self, name, val): del self[name] self._headers.append((name, val)) def __delitem__(self,name): name = name.lower() self._headers[:] = [kv for kv in self._headers if kv[0].lower() != name] def __getitem__(self,name): return self.get(name) def has_key(self, name): return self.get(name) is not None __contains__ = has_key def get_all(self, name): name = name.lower() return [kv[1] for kv in self._headers if kv[0].lower()==name] def get(self,name,default=None): name = name.lower() for k,v in self._headers: if k.lower()==name: return v return default def keys(self): return [k for k, v in self._headers] def values(self): return [v for k, v in self._headers] def items(self): return self._headers[:] def __repr__(self): return "Headers(%r)" % self._headers def __str__(self): return '\r\n'.join(["%s: %s" % kv for kv in self._headers]+['','']) def setdefault(self,name,value): result = self.get(name) if result is None: self._headers.append((name,value)) return value else: return result def add_header(self, _name, _value, **_params): parts = [] if _value is not None: parts.append(_value) for k, v in _params.items(): if v is None: parts.append(k.replace('_', '-')) else: parts.append(_formatparam(k.replace('_', '-'), v)) self._headers.append((_name, "; ".join(parts))) class FileWrapper: """Wrapper to convert file-like objects to iterables""" def __init__(self, filelike, blksize=BUF_SIZE): self.filelike = filelike self.blksize = blksize if hasattr(filelike,'close'): self.close = filelike.close def __getitem__(self,key): data = self.filelike.read(self.blksize) if data: return data raise IndexError def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): data = self.filelike.read(self.blksize) if data: return data raise StopIteration class Worker(Thread): """The Worker class is a base class responsible for receiving connections and (a subclass) will run an application to process the the connection """ def __init__(self, app_info, active_queue, monitor_queue, *args, **kwargs): Thread.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Instance Variables self.app_info = app_info self.active_queue = active_queue self.monitor_queue = monitor_queue self.size = 0 self.status = "200 OK" self.closeConnection = True # Request Log self.req_log = logging.getLogger('Rocket.Requests') self.req_log.addHandler(NullHandler()) # Error Log self.err_log = logging.getLogger('Rocket.Errors.'+self.getName()) self.err_log.addHandler(NullHandler()) def _handleError(self, typ, val, tb): if typ == SSLError: if 'timed out' in val.args[0]: typ = SocketTimeout if typ == SocketTimeout: if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Socket timed out') self.monitor_queue.put(self.conn) return True if typ == SocketClosed: self.closeConnection = True if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Client closed socket') return False if typ == BadRequest: self.closeConnection = True if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Client sent a bad request') return True if typ == socket.error: self.closeConnection = True if val.args[0] in IGNORE_ERRORS_ON_CLOSE: if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Ignorable socket Error received...' 'closing connection.') return False else: self.status = "999 Utter Server Failure" tb_fmt = traceback.format_exception(typ, val, tb) self.err_log.error('Unhandled Error when serving ' 'connection:\n' + '\n'.join(tb_fmt)) return False self.closeConnection = True tb_fmt = traceback.format_exception(typ, val, tb) self.err_log.error('\n'.join(tb_fmt)) self.send_response('500 Server Error') return False def run(self): if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Entering main loop.') # Enter thread main loop while True: conn = self.active_queue.get() if not conn: # A non-client is a signal to die if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Received a death threat.') return conn if isinstance(conn, tuple): conn = Connection(*conn) self.conn = conn if conn.ssl != conn.secure: self.err_log.info('Received HTTP connection on HTTPS port.') self.send_response('400 Bad Request') self.closeConnection = True conn.close() continue else: if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Received a connection.') self.closeConnection = False # Enter connection serve loop while True: if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Serving a request') try: self.run_app(conn) log_info = dict(client_ip = conn.client_addr, time = datetime.now().strftime('%c'), status = self.status.split(' ')[0], size = self.size, request_line = self.request_line) self.req_log.info(LOG_LINE % log_info) except: exc = sys.exc_info() handled = self._handleError(*exc) if handled: break else: if self.request_line: log_info = dict(client_ip = conn.client_addr, time = datetime.now().strftime('%c'), status = self.status.split(' ')[0], size = self.size, request_line = self.request_line + ' - not stopping') self.req_log.info(LOG_LINE % log_info) if self.closeConnection: try: conn.close() except: self.err_log.error(str(traceback.format_exc())) break def run_app(self, conn): # Must be overridden with a method reads the request from the socket # and sends a response. self.closeConnection = True raise NotImplementedError('Overload this method!') def send_response(self, status): stat_msg = status.split(' ', 1)[1] msg = RESPONSE % (status, len(stat_msg), 'text/plain', stat_msg) try: self.conn.sendall(b(msg)) except socket.error: self.closeConnection = True self.err_log.error('Tried to send "%s" to client but received socket' ' error' % status) def kill(self): if self.isAlive() and hasattr(self, 'conn'): try: self.conn.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except socket.error: info = sys.exc_info() if info[1].args[0] != socket.EBADF: self.err_log.debug('Error on shutdown: '+str(info)) def read_request_line(self, sock_file): self.request_line = '' try: # Grab the request line d = sock_file.readline() if PY3K: d = d.decode('ISO-8859-1') if d == '\r\n': # Allow an extra NEWLINE at the beginning per HTTP 1.1 spec if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Client sent newline') d = sock_file.readline() if PY3K: d = d.decode('ISO-8859-1') except socket.timeout: raise SocketTimeout("Socket timed out before request.") d = d.strip() if not d: if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Client did not send a recognizable request.') raise SocketClosed('Client closed socket.') self.request_line = d # NOTE: I've replaced the traditional method of procedurally breaking # apart the request line with a (rather unsightly) regular expression. # However, Java's regexp support sucks so bad that it actually takes # longer in Jython to process the regexp than procedurally. So I've # left the old code here for Jython's sake...for now. if IS_JYTHON: return self._read_request_line_jython(d) match = re_REQUEST_LINE.match(d) if not match: self.send_response('400 Bad Request') raise BadRequest req = match.groupdict() for k,v in req.items(): if not v: req[k] = "" if k == 'path': req['path'] = r'%2F'.join([unquote(x) for x in re_SLASH.split(v)]) return req def _read_request_line_jython(self, d): d = d.strip() try: method, uri, proto = d.split(' ') if not proto.startswith('HTTP') or \ proto[-3:] not in ('1.0', '1.1') or \ method not in HTTP_METHODS: self.send_response('400 Bad Request') raise BadRequest except ValueError: self.send_response('400 Bad Request') raise BadRequest req = dict(method=method, protocol = proto) scheme = '' host = '' if uri == '*' or uri.startswith('/'): path = uri elif '://' in uri: scheme, rest = uri.split('://') host, path = rest.split('/', 1) path = '/' + path else: self.send_response('400 Bad Request') raise BadRequest query_string = '' if '?' in path: path, query_string = path.split('?', 1) path = r'%2F'.join([unquote(x) for x in re_SLASH.split(path)]) req.update(path=path, query_string=query_string, scheme=scheme.lower(), host=host) return req def read_headers(self, sock_file): headers = dict() l = sock_file.readline() lname = None lval = None while True: if PY3K: try: l = str(l, 'ISO-8859-1') except UnicodeDecodeError: self.err_log.warning('Client sent invalid header: ' + repr(l)) if l == '\r\n': break if l[0] in ' \t' and lname: # Some headers take more than one line lval += ',' + l.strip() else: # HTTP header values are latin-1 encoded l = l.split(':', 1) # HTTP header names are us-ascii encoded lname = l[0].strip().upper().replace('-', '_') lval = l[-1].strip() headers[str(lname)] = str(lval) l = sock_file.readline() return headers class SocketTimeout(Exception): "Exception for when a socket times out between requests." pass class BadRequest(Exception): "Exception for when a client sends an incomprehensible request." pass class SocketClosed(Exception): "Exception for when a socket is closed by the client." pass class ChunkedReader(object): def __init__(self, sock_file): self.stream = sock_file self.chunk_size = 0 def _read_header(self): chunk_len = "" try: while "" == chunk_len: chunk_len = self.stream.readline().strip() return int(chunk_len, 16) except ValueError: return 0 def read(self, size): data = b('') chunk_size = self.chunk_size while size: if not chunk_size: chunk_size = self._read_header() if size < chunk_size: data += self.stream.read(size) chunk_size -= size break else: if not chunk_size: break data += self.stream.read(chunk_size) size -= chunk_size chunk_size = 0 self.chunk_size = chunk_size return data def readline(self): data = b('') c = self.read(1) while c and c != b('\n'): data += c c = self.read(1) data += c return data def readlines(self): yield self.readline() def get_method(method): methods = dict(wsgi=WSGIWorker) return methods[method.lower()] # Monolithic build...end of module: rocket\worker.py # Monolithic build...start of module: rocket\methods\__init__.py # Monolithic build...end of module: rocket\methods\__init__.py # Monolithic build...start of module: rocket\methods\wsgi.py # Import System Modules import sys import socket #from wsgiref.headers import Headers #from wsgiref.util import FileWrapper # Import Package Modules # package imports removed in monolithic build if PY3K: from email.utils import formatdate else: # Caps Utils for Py2.4 compatibility from email.Utils import formatdate # Define Constants NEWLINE = b('\r\n') HEADER_RESPONSE = '''HTTP/1.1 %s\r\n%s''' BASE_ENV = {'SERVER_NAME': SERVER_NAME, 'SCRIPT_NAME': '', # Direct call WSGI does not need a name 'wsgi.errors': sys.stderr, 'wsgi.version': (1, 0), 'wsgi.multiprocess': False, 'wsgi.run_once': False, 'wsgi.file_wrapper': FileWrapper } class WSGIWorker(Worker): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Builds some instance variables that will last the life of the thread.""" Worker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(self.app_info, dict): multithreaded = self.app_info.get('max_threads') != 1 else: multithreaded = False self.base_environ = dict({'SERVER_SOFTWARE': self.app_info['server_software'], 'wsgi.multithread': multithreaded, }) self.base_environ.update(BASE_ENV) # Grab our application self.app = self.app_info.get('wsgi_app') if not hasattr(self.app, "__call__"): raise TypeError("The wsgi_app specified (%s) is not a valid WSGI application." % repr(self.app)) def build_environ(self, sock_file, conn): """ Build the execution environment. """ # Grab the request line request = self.read_request_line(sock_file) # Copy the Base Environment environ = self.base_environ.copy() # Grab the headers for k, v in self.read_headers(sock_file).items(): environ[str('HTTP_'+k)] = v # Add CGI Variables environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = request['method'] environ['PATH_INFO'] = request['path'] environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = request['protocol'] environ['SERVER_PORT'] = str(conn.server_port) environ['REMOTE_PORT'] = str(conn.client_port) environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = str(conn.client_addr) environ['QUERY_STRING'] = request['query_string'] if 'HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH' in environ: environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = environ['HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH'] if 'HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE' in environ: environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = environ['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE'] # Save the request method for later self.request_method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] # Add Dynamic WSGI Variables if conn.ssl: environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https' environ['HTTPS'] = 'on' else: environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'http' if environ.get('HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING', '') == 'chunked': environ['wsgi.input'] = ChunkedReader(sock_file) else: environ['wsgi.input'] = sock_file return environ def send_headers(self, data, sections): h_set = self.header_set # Does the app want us to send output chunked? self.chunked = h_set.get('transfer-encoding', '').lower() == 'chunked' # Add a Date header if it's not there already if not 'date' in h_set: h_set['Date'] = formatdate(usegmt=True) # Add a Server header if it's not there already if not 'server' in h_set: h_set['Server'] = HTTP_SERVER_SOFTWARE if 'content-length' in h_set: self.size = int(h_set['content-length']) else: s = int(self.status.split(' ')[0]) if s < 200 or s not in (204, 205, 304): if not self.chunked: if sections == 1: # Add a Content-Length header if it's not there already h_set['Content-Length'] = str(len(data)) self.size = len(data) else: # If they sent us more than one section, we blow chunks h_set['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'Chunked' self.chunked = True if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Adding header...' 'Transfer-Encoding: Chunked') if 'connection' not in h_set: # If the application did not provide a connection header, fill it in client_conn = self.environ.get('HTTP_CONNECTION', '').lower() if self.environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] == 'HTTP/1.1': # HTTP = 1.1 defaults to keep-alive connections if client_conn: h_set['Connection'] = client_conn else: h_set['Connection'] = 'keep-alive' else: # HTTP < 1.1 supports keep-alive but it's quirky so we don't support it h_set['Connection'] = 'close' # Close our connection if we need to. self.closeConnection = h_set.get('connection', '').lower() == 'close' # Build our output headers header_data = HEADER_RESPONSE % (self.status, str(h_set)) # Send the headers if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Sending Headers: %s' % repr(header_data)) self.conn.sendall(b(header_data)) self.headers_sent = True def write_warning(self, data, sections=None): self.err_log.warning('WSGI app called write method directly. This is ' 'deprecated behavior. Please update your app.') return self.write(data, sections) def write(self, data, sections=None): """ Write the data to the output socket. """ if self.error[0]: self.status = self.error[0] data = b(self.error[1]) if not self.headers_sent: self.send_headers(data, sections) if self.request_method != 'HEAD': try: if self.chunked: self.conn.sendall(b('%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(data), data))) else: self.conn.sendall(data) except socket.error: # But some clients will close the connection before that # resulting in a socket error. self.closeConnection = True def start_response(self, status, response_headers, exc_info=None): """ Store the HTTP status and headers to be sent when self.write is called. """ if exc_info: try: if self.headers_sent: # Re-raise original exception if headers sent # because this violates WSGI specification. raise finally: exc_info = None elif self.header_set: raise AssertionError("Headers already set!") if PY3K and not isinstance(status, str): self.status = str(status, 'ISO-8859-1') else: self.status = status # Make sure headers are bytes objects try: self.header_set = Headers(response_headers) except UnicodeDecodeError: self.error = ('500 Internal Server Error', 'HTTP Headers should be bytes') self.err_log.error('Received HTTP Headers from client that contain' ' invalid characters for Latin-1 encoding.') return self.write_warning def run_app(self, conn): self.size = 0 self.header_set = Headers([]) self.headers_sent = False self.error = (None, None) self.chunked = False sections = None output = None if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Getting sock_file') # Build our file-like object sock_file = conn.makefile('rb',BUF_SIZE) try: # Read the headers and build our WSGI environment self.environ = environ = self.build_environ(sock_file, conn) # Handle 100 Continue if environ.get('HTTP_EXPECT', '') == '100-continue': res = environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] + ' 100 Continue\r\n\r\n' conn.sendall(b(res)) # Send it to our WSGI application output = self.app(environ, self.start_response) if not hasattr(output, '__len__') and not hasattr(output, '__iter__'): self.error = ('500 Internal Server Error', 'WSGI applications must return a list or ' 'generator type.') if hasattr(output, '__len__'): sections = len(output) for data in output: # Don't send headers until body appears if data: self.write(data, sections) if self.chunked: # If chunked, send our final chunk length self.conn.sendall(b('0\r\n\r\n')) elif not self.headers_sent: # Send headers if the body was empty self.send_headers('', sections) # Don't capture exceptions here. The Worker class handles # them appropriately. finally: if __debug__: self.err_log.debug('Finally closing output and sock_file') if hasattr(output,'close'): output.close() sock_file.close() # Monolithic build...end of module: rocket\methods\wsgi.py # # the following code is not part of Rocket but was added in web2py for testing purposes # def demo_app(environ, start_response): global static_folder import os types = {'htm': 'text/html','html': 'text/html','gif': 'image/gif', 'jpg': 'image/jpeg','png': 'image/png','pdf': 'applications/pdf'} if static_folder: if not static_folder.startswith('/'): static_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),static_folder) path = os.path.join(static_folder, environ['PATH_INFO'][1:] or 'index.html') type = types.get(path.split('.')[-1],'text') if os.path.exists(path): try: data = open(path,'rb').read() start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', type)]) except IOError: start_response('404 NOT FOUND', []) data = '404 NOT FOUND' else: start_response('500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR', []) data = '500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR' else: start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) data = '

Hello from Rocket Web Server

' return [data] def demo(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--ip", dest="ip",default="", help="ip address of the network interface") parser.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="port",default="8000", help="post where to run web server") parser.add_option("-s", "--static", dest="static",default=None, help="folder containing static files") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() global static_folder static_folder = options.static print 'Rocket running on %s:%s' % (options.ip, options.port) r=Rocket((options.ip,int(options.port)),'wsgi', {'wsgi_app':demo_app}) r.start() if __name__=='__main__': demo()